الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

World Health Organization is preparing for the adoption of a new drug for the treatment of "tuberculosis"

World Health Organization declared "W.. HP. Or" that it had completed the second phase of its study to the Status of system a new treatment for tuberculosis, which threatens millions of people around the world.The organization carried out a clinical study applying the regimen includes the use of an antibiotic known as the "Gatephluxasin," was to use the property in question along with other drugs are Isoniazid and Rifampicin and Baizazanamaid, for four months, instead of the treatment regime currently in place which lasts for six months, and solve a property known as the "ethambutol" in place of the new drug "Gatephluxasin."The WHO has indicated, it will be the adoption of the new therapeutic, if the results of the third phase of this study is similar to the results of phases I and II, and pointed to the effectiveness of the biggest advantage of the new pilot for the current system, is scheduled to be officially announced this stage, which is expected research to be completed by 2009 next.If the Adoption of the rules new therapeutic, it would be a shorter regimen interview with tuberculosis will be adopted, according to WHO figures, the third of the world have already infected the germ of "Maikobaktirim Taobrkloziz" that cause tuberculosis, and that eight million people develop the disease is active annually.It is noteworthy that the spread of HIV, "AIDS" has increased the difficulty of eliminating tuberculosis, because of reduced immunity to the first patient, Batalli activate the bacterium tuberculosis in his lungs that he had sustained earlier.Source: roro 44 and e-mail address is http://healths.roro44.com صورة تعبيرية عن فيروس

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