الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

Prevention of genetic disease

 Diagnosis of fetuses during pregnancy to prevent genetic disease

* Mr. Afaf
Genetic diseases that account for 2-5% as a result of inbreeding, and this percentage is increasing due to lack of health awareness as there are people carrying capacity, or have a genetic defect in one of the chromosomes and marry without their knowledge and result in the birth of a child with disabilities.
Has allowed modern technology in the laboratory detection of defective chromosomes and genetic status through the computer and digital camera where the image is compared chromosomes in plant genetics Balkromusumaat original healthy person and the discovery of a bug that results in genetic disease. When this is done to provide genetic counseling both before and after marriage or the birth of any child with a disability within the family.
According to a study conducted evacuation hospital unit genetics education to give birth in Egypt for 900 newborns using a comprehensive survey of births has been focusing on the birth with signs that need to be a genetic analysis such as children, low-weight, growth and premature cases.
Fetal malformations and different in shape and the reproductive system and the results showed the presence of 100 cases infected with a genetic disease was the cause for 50% of cases the quality of one gene, called an improper installation.
At the level of chromosomes results showed that 22% of cases (100 cases) were infected with defects in the resulting Alkromut Down syndrome (mental disability) and the rest of the cases were sporadic infections in the form of defects in the abdominal wall and abnormalities in the skin and extremities. Hence the importance of the application of the comprehensive survey of infants to detect the disease early.
She pointed out that there are diseases and hereditary can be overcome and treat a metabolic of disease phenylalanine and affects newborns due to lack of representation of the protein, which lead to disability if not addressed in the child Albanians especially free of protein and disease Aljlambrozemia is also of metabolic diseases of genetic affecting newborn ..
Are detected early by failing to accept the child for his mother's milk and treating these cases is the prevention of breast milk and fed a special diet without drugs.
Usefulness of the survey and genetic women during pregnancy, says Dr. Ahmed Darwish, a consultant and director of genetics and genetics unit Aini. That the purpose of the survey Genetic these women is to know the likelihood of injury embryos defect congenital or delay in my mind is the knowledge of these possibilities by analyzing the blood of normal being lab in the tenth week of pregnancy if the result is negative, the lady is pregnant successfully without any problems to her and the fetus.
In the case of the emergence of a positive result, it means the possibility of deformation of the fetus or mental suffering a delay higher than expected. In this case is the work of fetal diagnostic analysis by means of liquid Alaminosa a safe manner as this fluid contains cells from the fetus and the meaning that we are an indirect analysis of the fetus.
This analysis result laboratory confirmed 100% as from which we can detect cases of congenital malformations especially distortions the central nervous system early in the pregnancy as well as the discovery of the fetus affected with Down syndrome (the child Mongolian), which confirmed recent studies that the main cause of delayed mental in the world where a child is born infected per 700 children per year with a sound Note the accumulation of numbers per year, and this discovery is also useful in planning the future of the family when deciding to have children again.
Point d. Ahmed Darwish, the technology laboratory and ultrasound helped in the diagnosis of these diseases in the mother's womb where it is measuring the thickness of the skin behind the neck of the fetus ultrasound in collaboration with the gynecologist and plant genetics which confirmed the evidence and research that children with delayed mental large proportion of them was measured by the thickness of high- the skin behind the neck in the tenth week to get them.
And injuring embryos (Down syndrome) Mongolian child says Dr. Ahmed Darwish, that 97% of cases occur as a result boom or shock, and 3% of cases are due to genetic factors, and uncertain of the father and mother both.
The 97% although they occur by chance but there are some factors increase the incidence of the two maternal age advanced as increase the risk of the disease after the age of 35 years, as well as the mother before pregnancy directly and through the first three months of radiation, or infection with some viruses, there are factors that help to injury such as pollution and smoking positive and negative.
And confirms that there are no degrees of the child Mongolian family is that creates these grades varying studies have shown that rehabilitation programs for these children raise their mental as well as drug treatment stimulant of the nervous system and also take some vitamins and stimulants enzymes child patient with Down syndrome child is subject to learning, but slowly.
He d. Darwish, director of the Genetics Unit Aini is underway in the laboratory and successfully genetic diagnosis of embryos as a result of the tremendous development in embryology and genetics have also been able to genetic diagnosis of embryos in the laboratory IVF and ICSI before being transferred to the womb of the wife.
And being the kind of advanced technology in some cases only known to the existence of genetic diseases when a couple in order to avoid transmission to their children and adopt the idea of ​​treatment is to conduct IVF with ICSI for the couple, and before the transfer of embryos to the womb of the wife is checking the configuration chromosomal of embryos through the work of a hole in the wall of the embryo (the egg fertilized and divided into eight cells).
Laser is then to take one cell from each embryo and extracting the nucleus of each cell to examine the chromosomes using the methods in a very precise technique and technology. When the diagnosis is confirmed only healthy embryos transferred to the womb of the wife and exclude deformed embryos carrying the genetic recipe.
And the problem of disability globally and regionally says Dr. Mohammed El Sawy, professor of pediatrics and head of genetics at the University of Ain Shams .. The problem of disability in the world have an impact health, psychological and Statistics showed that the rate of global disability 3% The statistics in Arab countries especially to the high proportion of 10-12%.
He pointed out that laboratory tests minute led to the prevention of disability, by means of modern diagnostic discovered disease was impossible to diagnose using the genes that have been successful in the treatment of a range of diseases and current experience at the level of research in diseases of many important diseases such as diabetes and sensitivity of the chest and asthma Preliminary indications the results can have a very positive impact.
It is worth mentioning that it is currently and successfully treating some genetic diseases that are controlled by a single gene diseases such as high cholesterol and severe, which leads to problems in the coronary arteries and the overall health of the human being as well as the treatment of HIV genetic deficiency enzyme specific as well as the treatment of lack of blood circulation, both on the level terminal (the Parties).
Or at the level of the coronary arteries, especially the use of genes to ensure renewal of the arteries without surgery and treatment .. There are still a list of genetic diseases and genetic «gained» waiting for progress in the areas of gene therapy. Point d. Mohamed El Sawy that promising initial results on the way to the application.
Since this technique will generate economic return large in the next stage after assessment of economic feasibility studies profit two U.S. companies for sales of gene therapy in 2005 to $ 3 billion jump to 50 billion dollars in 2010 in addition to the drugs produced in the whole world according to World Health Organization report will be produced 75% of them using genetic engineering technique.
Must therefore be aware that the Arab states to take some of the patents for medicines derived from medicinal herbs as it approaches than 700 medicinal plants did not score but only seven of them.
Source: www.balagh.com
Note: The network of medical committees a reliable sources to provide medical information, you can take advantage of multiple services visit its website.

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