الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

Cerebral Palsy

This topic has been prepared by Physicians Specialty Center for medical advice, in the case of quotation, please refer to our official website www.medicalcom.net
DefinitionIs a group of disorders caused by brain damage. Injury may occur before or during birth or in the early years of age and cerebral palsy may occur as a result injuring the mother during pregnancy, as German measles can infect the fetus harm even if the symptoms are very slight. The deficiency occurs as a result of fetal oxygen lack any access of oxygen to body tissues for a long time, which can cause death of brain cells. The injured child after birth as a result of disease or the result of an accident or head injury.Method of infection and symptomsCauses of cerebral palsyThe vast majority of cases of cerebral palsy is not hereditary, although the 86% of cases are congenital or fungal and is present from birth, and only 14% occur after birth.The injury can be cerebral palsy after birth well in advance of the so-called cerebral palsy syndrome as a result: -1. Trauma and severe trauma to the head in the home and road accidents.2. Incidents of exposure to the sinking and loss of oxygen for a long time.3. Infections and tumors that affect the brain and special malicious ones.Summarize the reasons as follows: -1 - birth brackish.2 - mismatch factor Rizi each of the blood of the mother and fetus.3 - infected pregnant mother with diabetes.4 - premature birth (prematurity), where studies indicate that preterm birth is responsible for about one third of cases of cerebral palsy.5 - repeated birth.6 - lack of oxygen at some point before or during birth.7 - the mother is pregnant diseases such as measles, German, and meningitis, syphilis .... Etc..8 - malnutrition and poor health status of the expectant mother.9 - big or small the age of the mother during pregnancy.10 - pre-eclampsia.11 - the pregnant mother exposed to radiation and drugs without consulting your doctor.12 - the pregnant mother exposed to toxic chemicals.13 - Child exposure to accidents or head injuries or tumors, and malignant diseases.14 Some genetic disorders.15 - poisoning the child with certain chemicals or inhalation of toxic gases.Symptoms
There are four main images of the disease, namely: -
1 - or Altkhalja Alhzei, 2 - Canaanite, 3 - hypotonic, 4 - Altstja.- Where the movements of the patient involuntary aspects concussion and loss of balance in Parkinson Altkhalja.
- The paralysis in the muscles of the Canaanite, we find the patient constantly moving and prevent acts of these movements involuntary aspects of the patient.
- The patient, paralyzed under-tension seems lame in his walk, move around a lot and that the inability of muscles for contraction.
- The people wounded in spasticity Vigdoa difficulty in moving some parts of their bodies because of stiffness in their muscles. Overall Vmassab cerebral palsy may suffer from a muscle disorder and one or a small deficit may become paralyzed or injuredProblems with mobility and sensory and neurological appear in the form of spasm or tension in the movement in the movement and physical conditions and the associated abnormalities in the limbs. Or they are accompanied by paralysis and lack of balance of kinetic as well as mental disorders or epileptic seizures, which may reach 60% of cases, or speech difficulties and inconsistencies of speech, which may reach 15-20% of cases, or weakness of some devices sensory Kalsama and vision.What are the signs that indicate the likelihood that a child with cerebral palsy?1. The child is not breastfed, or do not naturally a good swallow.2. Unusual cramps in the arms and legs (change diapers).3. Lack of control of the muscles of the neck so that it does not prove the head in the center of the body.4. Delay in the use of hands or keep the thumb inside the hand grip.5. Delay in smiling and Almn.p.n.6. Baby is not kicking the legs at the age of 3 months.7. The child to pay the head back in Mtakerrandma carries.8. Delay in sitting, crawling and standing.9. Continued irritation of the child and non-normal.10. Instability in sleep.11. The inability of the child to focus on visual stimuli and follow-up.Is the injured cerebral palsy will be mentally retarded?Not necessarily, modern estimates indicate: -

25% of cases of cerebral palsy intelligence within the normal range.
25% of them are degree or another of the slow pace of learning.
And about 50% suffer from a lack of mental ability level falls within the mental Hdodaltkhalaf.
Valtather of the difficulties of other negative affects on the ability of these children to respond properly to stimuli cost, which makes their performance on tests of intelligence is low in the habit, which reflects their real money.Are there any difficulties associated with the injury cerebral palsy?Yes, cerebral paralysis affects the other organs regulated by the brain, and these difficulties as follows: -1. Oral disorders: Ksilan saliva and difficulty swallowing.2. Learning difficulties: The difficulty in concentration and attention and inability to deal with difficult situations.3. Visual problems and difficulties: It is found in nearly half of the cases (such as medial strabismus, nystagmus, myopia and hyperopia, and difficulties that control the muscles in the neck leads to difficulties in consistency and visual motor problems in perception and visual discrimination).4. Difficulties in speech and hearing and speech: It is spread out at about 50% of cases of cerebral palsy.5. Epilepsy, speaking at about 35-60% of cases of cerebral palsy, the largest percentage of them have cerebral palsy Altqchi, which results from a sudden increase in the electrical charge produced by brain cells in the affected areas.Do you develop a child with cerebral palsy and problems with the additional difficulties in old age Age?The Cerebral Palsy is a condition that is sophisticated for the worse, but it is highly likely to show problems and deformities in the joints as a result the situation taken by the wrong patient.To prevent these distortions in the joints are working to change the status of a child with an ongoing basis during the day.Classifications of cerebral palsy: -Category I: the pattern and nature of injuryIs divided into four sections: -A - spasticityB - Paralysis or torsional Altakbti or AllaantzamaC - Paralysis or Altkhalja Allatoazina or AlknganaD - Paralysis AltibsaE - twitching PartiesCategory II: the party or parties affectedA - unilateral paralysisB - Lateral paraplegiaC - quadriplegiaD - paraplegiaE - the lower the total paralysisAnd - Paralysis tripleDiagnosis: -When doctors expected the presence of cerebral palsy to Dyalotfl?1. Delayed motor development.2. The presence of unnatural patterns of motor.3. The presence of muscular tension is normal.4. First aid does not disappear reflections in a timely mannerWhen can the diagnosis of cerebral palsy with the child?Going to be during the first months of age, and despite the difficulty in some cases because the brain is in the process of growth, but discovered during the first year of life does not seem difficult in the habit.But the problem is when the family ignore the above-mentioned symptoms depending on the assurances of other non-specialists.In case of doubt should be displayed on the family of the child to the specialists and putting it under control-intensive to reach an accurate diagnosis of his condition.What is the diagnosis of cerebral palsy children?Is a process that includes confirm or deny the existence of a disability of a child's face, and determine the nature of the disability on the other.Which include the two main two:Analysis: The collection of data on developmental aspects different from the tests conducted by the professionals.Explanation: Check out the results of the analysis and clearly on the status of the child.
Are there any difficulties associated with the injury cerebral palsy?Yes, cerebral paralysis affects the other organs regulated by the brain, and these difficulties as follows: -1. Oral disorders: Ksilan saliva and difficulty swallowing.2. Learning difficulties: The difficulty in concentration and attention and inability to deal with difficult situations.3. Visual problems and difficulties: It is found in nearly half of the cases (such as medial strabismus, nystagmus, myopia and hyperopia, and difficulties that control the muscles in the neck leads to difficulties in consistency and visual motor problems in perception and visual discrimination).4. Difficulties in speech and hearing and speech: It is spread out at about 50% of cases of cerebral palsy.5. Epilepsy, speaking at about 35-60% of cases of cerebral palsy, the largest percentage of them have cerebral palsy Altqchi, which results from a sudden increase in the electrical charge produced by brain cells in the affected areas.Do you develop a child with cerebral palsy and problems with the additional difficulties in old age Age?The Cerebral Palsy is a condition that is sophisticated for the worse, but it is highly likely to show problems and deformities in the joints as a result the situation taken by the wrong patient.To prevent these distortions in the joints are working to change the status of a child with an ongoing basis during the day.
Who are the members of the medical team and academic participants in the testing and evaluation?1. Neurological tests - neurologist.2. Physical tests - a specialist children.3. Kinetic testing capabilities - Specialist physiotherapists and occupational therapists.4. Psychological tests - psychological specialist.5. Social history - the social specialist.6. Audio tests - audiologist.7. Visual tests - eye specialist.8. Testing speech - speech pathology specialist.9. Educational tests - special education specialist.What are the medical tests for the diagnosis of cerebral palsy and their benefits?1. X-ray: is used to exclude other neurological disorders.2. EEG power: It is used to determine the nature of the imbalance in the brain.3. Axial CT imaging: is used to locate brain damage4. Cerebral arteriography: In this case one of the radioactive material is injected into the blood stream and then use X-rays to identify any defect in the cerebral blood vessels.5. Blood tests and urine are carried out to identify any chemical disorders may be related to cerebral palsy.6. Test and other tests and test Abjar amniotic fluid.What is the test Abjar?Test is to assess the physical status of the newborn after being one minute from birth and then after 5 minutes and be evaluated follows:Index zero 1 2No heartbeat slow (less than 100 per minute) of more than 100 per minuteBreathing there is no crying screaming weak strongMuscle tension low level of tension in the muscle contraction of some muscles very MnaqbdahResponse to foot some of the movement response does not scream and pull hisBody color pale blue body: PinkParties: blue and pink in fullWhat is interpreted in the table?

If the college class that gets Alihaalotfl 9 or 10, it means that the child is in good condition.
If the degree 4 or less, it means that the child is in critical condition and in need of emergency intervention, especially if re-testing after 5 or 10 minutes and remained low class.
What is the examination of amniotic fluid?
Amniotic cavity is a hole using a special needle to remove some amniotic Osail surrounding the fetus, and to study the fluid for the detection of genetic disorders. Using this test can detect certain diseases, such as:
Sickle cell anemia.
Neural tube defects.

Note: not recommended to use this test unless absolutely necessary.
Prevention of cerebral palsy, by:

The provision of adequate health care during pregnancy, childbirth and after birth.
Refrain from smoking and smokers and alcohol.
Not to take medication during pregnancy without a prescription.
Lack of exposure to radiation.
Female vaccination against rubella at the age of adolescence or before marriage is alleged at least six months.
Good nutrition for pregnant mothers.
Address the complications of pregnancy and pre-eclampsia Kalnsv quickly.
Spacing between births.
Attention to cases of jaundice after birth.
Prevention of diseases, especially meningitis, encephalitis, severe drought.
• Protect children from the home and road accidents.
Treatment.: -At any age can be treated with cerebral palsy?Even before the final diagnosis should start training and natural treatment of the child suspected in his case, his ability to reach to the level of the stage and chronological age, which is in it.This is the form of an early intervention program for training and treatment by the parents involved.This program may begin during the first months of life.What are the medical treatment or surgical options?The exception of drugs to control epilepsy, there is no pharmacological treatment of cerebral palsy, Vaduah ease of use a temporary contraction of muscle.The child does not need surgery if continued physical therapy and maintained the flexibility of muscles and joints, and if I need the surgery there is no need for haste in the conduct of such operations, and study the extent of interest that will accrue to the child after surgery.What is the psychological need for my child?May not be able cerebral palsy child to express his needs clearly, but it must be remembered that before the child is disabled, and therefore has the basic psychological needs of children, like as if has the love and acceptance and freedom from fear.They need to integrate early goal at home in the community, family, neighborhood and school and so on, because that is a positive impact in the development of this child.Can my child to learn?Yes, of course, in principle, all children are capable of learning, but children with cerebral palsy learn according to their own special abilities, and depending on the nature of the restrictions imposed by cerebral palsy on their performance.To achieve this it requires special placement centers to train them on some motor skills and self-care skills, and develop skills to communicate with others and some cognitive skills - the other epistemological.Is it possible for my son to speak in one day?In the event that the damage is happening in the brain may hit the center responsible for the speech in the brain, the affected child may not be qualified to overcome the problems of speech or expression of his concept the same manner.In such a case should focus on training parents of the child on how to communicate with others and not just speechCommunication is broader areas include facial expressions, signs and not just the pronunciation.My son suffers from the problem of drooling, is there a solution?This problem occurs usually due to the weak control the muscles in the mouth and tongue, which is responsible for the process of swallowing in which case should we exercise these muscles Here are some ideas that will help include:What can we do as parents in the face of the problem of cerebral palsy?

Work as much as possible to prevent a recurrence of disability.
Accept a child with cerebral palsy.
Recognize that the community centers and institutions, services and programs provided for children with cerebral palsy.
Be involved in the family needs to think about what her child injured from chairs and devices help to stand up and walk and what is available in the local environment, and not the total dependency on others.
Work to integrate the child in society and give him the opportunity to mix with others and gain experience and skills.
Of the family also play an important role in communicating with other families that have children living with cerebral palsy under the supervision of specialists, to exchange experiences and support each other and then to organize the effort.

• Finally, the parents and the fundamental duty is to review the legislation in force in the field of disabilities, and to demand the development of existing legislation to provide better guarantees for their children.
Cause convulsionsRefers to the increasing tension in Awalachtdad tension in the muscles. Usually you need to muscle tension or heightened enough to work against the force of gravity to maintain posture or movement session or at the same time in order to provide flexibility and speed of movement. It's going to be issued for a strained muscle or stretching of nerves in the spinal cord to muscles. These are called sensory nerves nerve fibers as they learn the degree of spinal cord tension in the muscles. Go orders are issued in order to achieve the flexibility or Thbit tension in the muscles of the nerves in the brain to the spinal cord. The orders issued by the muscles and orders issued from the brain to be consistent in the spinal cord in order to work the muscles gently and easily and to maintain the force at the same time.
If a person suffers from cerebral palsy, this means that damage has occurred in the brain. For reasons not clear so far, damage is usually in the area of ​​the brain that control muscle tension and movement in hands and legs. Brain can not the person who suffers from cerebral palsy that affects the extent of flexibility in the muscles. And then control which comes from the muscles in the spinal cord and this is what produces severely strained a muscle or constricting

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