الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

A new way to resist poisoning

Bacteria behind the poisoning case of 3-4 million per year in BritainResearchers believe they had reached a new way to resist the bacteria that cause food poisoning.The research team has revealed the British-American way, which was followed by the bacteria to circumvent the body's natural resistance, which were not previously known.The bacteria were discovered toxic gas produced by the body to resist and to allocate it to a harmless substance.A team of researchers that the ability of bacteria on the shell that may constitute a means of resistance.The inspection team of scientists from the Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States and the John Lanes British strains of bacteria are harmless, but they said their findings can be applied to strains of harmful as well, including Salmonella that cause food poisoning throughout the world.The bacteria are transmitted to humans, usually through the meat is cooked or unwashed vegetables or food that has been prepared in unclean conditions, and cause colic and diarrhea, but patients usually recover without medical assistance.But if exposure to the bacteria, a person suffering from a weakened immune system, symptoms may be severe and may require hospital treatment.Food poisoning bacteriaWhat comparable to the six million British, that is one tenth of the population of Britain suffer from food poisoning each year, caused in many cases, the bacteria E.Coli and Salmonella.There are some drugs for the treatment of poisoning, but the bacteria began to learn ways to circumvent these drugs, and he hoped Professor Ray Dixon and his colleagues of the research team said that contribute to their discovery in helping scientists to find new ways to treat the infection.Professor Dickson stressed that there is a need for a few years in order to produce new drugs based on the findings of the research.Said Professor Jay Hinton, head of molecular microbiology at the Institute of Food Research, "bacteria resistant to antibiotics is growing, there is a need for other means to resist."Source: roro 44 and e-mail address is http://healths.roro44.com صورة توضيحية لشخص مصاب بالتسمم

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