الجمعة، 13 يوليو 2012

Symptoms of high cholesterol

صورة توضح مصدر الكوليسترول فى الدم
 No symptoms of high cholesterol in the blood may not be discovered for several years or be discovered after coronary heart disease:
Angina or angina or angina pectoris
Stroke, heart or myocardial infarction myocardial infarction
When the accumulation of low density lipoproteins LDL (bad cholesterol) on the inner surface of the arteries results in a smear or spot plaque. These Stain leads to an increase in the thickness of the artery, and intransigence, and less flexibility, leading to inefficiency in the bloodstream and thus cause coronary heart disease.
Is the accumulation of cholesterol and slowly over many years. Because high cholesterol has no symptoms and little probability of its discovery is usually discovered after coronary heart disease. But the doctor can determine if you suffer from high cholesterol by a simple blood test (the level of total cholesterol in the blood Total blood cholesterol) and then help you to prevent the pathological effects.
The level of cholesterol in the blood
The level of total cholesterol in the blood is a level of all types of cholesterol in the blood. The high level increases the risk of coronary heart disease. This table shows the values ​​that should be of interest to:
Desirable level and contributes to reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. And the level of 200 mg / dL or more increases that risk.
Alchollsarol measured either in grams per deciliter (100 ml) or international units (mmol per liter)
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health http://www.se77ah.com

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