الجمعة، 13 يوليو 2012

Instructions after extractions

شخص يخلع اسنانه
 . Not to spit or mouth wash or rinse the mouth for 12 hours at least.
     2. Put a piece of sterile gauze and bite on it for two hours and not be changed.
     3. Not explained where the finger or tongue dislocation.
     4. Refrain from smoking for at least 24 hours.
     5. Not to drink or eat any hot for 12 hours at least.
     6. Cold drink or eat after 6 hours at least from being thrown.
     7. Do not use straw for drinking.
     8. In the case if continued bleeding from the place of dislocation put a piece of sterile gauze and bite on it for another hour and communication dentist if necessary.

Source: Encyclopedia of modern health http://www.se77ah.com

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