الجمعة، 13 يوليو 2012

Eating a sufficient amount of protein necessary for older women

صورة لامرأه مسنة
 Medical study said that eating a sufficient amount of protein necessary to build the muscles of older women, which are less responsive to the diet of the muscles of men the same age.
The study, conducted by the British and U.S. researchers, 29 people between the ages of 65 and 80 years.
The researchers found they are from the Faculty of Medicine at Washington University in St. Louis that the construction of muscle protein in men has increased, on average, after eating a meal and liquid but not get the same result for women.
It is known that age-related decline in muscle could contribute to the fragility of the disease, disability, and where women are at greater risk; because they have less muscle.
The results indicate the new "mechanism differences" between men and women with regard to decline in the muscles.
He also points to the need for the research team that deals with older women in particular, enough protein foods such as eggs, fish and meat free of fat.
Although the rate of muscle building protein for women, on average, no more food in response to the liquid, some women have shown a small increase.
According to the research group that included a meal experiences relatively small amount of protein that may not be enough to promote the building of protein in the muscle in some women.
She said that some research suggests that exercise may enhance the response of the muscles of the food, but it is unclear whether the combination of additional protein and regular exercise can help older women to continue to build muscle.
Source: doctor dot com http://www.6abib.com

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