الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

Arthritis or gout

التهاب الاصبع الكبير


So-called rheumatism or gout also "disease of kings". Spread disease gout in men more than women, and is often associated with an increased weight and excessive eating or drinking too much alcohol. Gout is complicated to some extent, it is often the cause of his appearance is not known.
{Mean height of gout patients in the percentage of uric acid in the blood or also recurrent episodes of painful inflammation of joints, resulting in deposition of uric acid crystals in the fluid inside the joint as well as the lining for him. And then absorb the white blood cells of these crystals, which leads to pain sensation and feeling heated and redness of the joint, and poor kidney function and kidney stones are out.
The clogged pipes kidney crystals of uric acid leads to kidney failure. On the other hand, some patients who have high percentage of uric acid does not complain of any pain in the joints, or kidney problems.
To be affected by the disease?
Than the proportion of men infected with the disease incidence ladies to represent about 9%, and prevail by more after the age of puberty, especially in the age of 75. But when it comes often women after menopause.
Diagnosis of gout: gout is diagnosed when patients with no history of bouts of painful inflammation in the joints of the toes followed by the ankle, knees, and gout often affects one joint during the seizure other than systemic lupus erythematosus Oromatoyd that attacks several joints together. The most important test for the diagnosis of gout is the presence of uric acid crystals in the fluid inside and around the joint. X-rays also help in diagnosis by the presence of grains (crystals) as well as bone changes as a result of inflammation.
Treatment of gout: prevention of similar attacks in the importance of treatment of acute arthritis and that by drinking enough fluids and reduce weight and changing the quality of the food as well as reduce the consumption of alcohol and treatment of increased uric acid in the blood!

The emergence of the case at night:Described the case as acute inflammation in the joints, causing gout pain in the joints plus. Gout often begins with a detailed and injured one, and this is often in the finger joint of the great legs. But may also cause gout pain and swelling in other joints and include: the joints of the legs, knee, ankle, hand, wrist and annex. Gout pain often comes suddenly at night, and the pain lasts for 5 to 10 days and then stop. Can begin to gout when the patient and will last for weeks or months without being felt by the patient or may not be pain recurs, but there are other patients appear to have gout pain again and also comes suddenly and regularly and in a greater number of joints. For patients who suffer from chronic gout appear to have a piece of skin called the subcutaneous (hosts of). And a small percentage of patients with gout develop kidney stones.
* Deposition of uric acid is the source of pain:Shows the gout in people who suffer from high in the proportion of acid Alaurk and waste. Acid is produced as a result of disintegration Alaurk (collapse) the natural body's cells. The body absorbs the acid Alaurk naturally in the blood, and through the blood up to the kidneys and comes out with the urine to the outside of the body. In some cases, is not this process occurs naturally are two things to block this process, first: that the body can secrete a large proportion of acid Alaurk - Second, the body can excrete normal ratio of the acid, but it is to get rid of a small percentage of it in the urine. In both cases, the concentrated acid Alaurk in the human body and become in the form of crystals in the joints can cause the presence of infections result in inflation in the joints.
Risk factors:In some cases, cause high acid Alaurk in the emergence of gout, and sometimes the ratio of the acid is high but does not appear gout and the reason for this is obscure. Increase your chances of gout pain, the longer the survival of acid Alaurk high. It can also be very high acid Alaurk have for several years but did not notice it. There are many factors that cause the body to secrete excessive amount of acid or disposal of a small amount of it, and these factors include:
- Alcohol especially beer.- Excess weight.- Do not treat high blood pressure.- Drugs used to treat blood pressure, which is working to reduce the proportion of salt and water in the body.- Do not take aspirin.- Lack of activity (movement) like to stay for long periods in bed.- Surgery.- Sudden fatigue or injury.- Chronic conditions such as diabetes, high blood lipids or narrow arteries. Genes play a role also in the case where the incidence of these statistics have proven that one person for every four people living with gout is due to the presence of his family history.
Treatment:If you encounter a sudden severe pain in the joints you should call your doctor even if the pain lasts only a day or two. And lack of treatment results in poor and increase the pain and dysfunction in the joints. When you consult a doctor can ask you some tests to check the acid level in the blood Alaurk. It can also take a sample of the fluid in the affected joint and examine the presence of acid Alaurk.
Care in the use of drugs:There is no drug to treat gout, and the goal of treatment is to reduce the proportion of acid Alaurk in long-term (such as Albroobancisd). Must follow the instructions in the doctor take the drug, and most of these drugs are taken up after the injury. As the use of drugs during the existence of pain over the situation worse.
Types of drugs used to relieve pain:
- Anti-inflammatory drugs Nonsteroidal.
- Anti-inflammatory drugs Steroidal.
- Colatheisn, which is used for a considerable period. And also the bags warm and cold water helps to relieve pain.
Source: www.feedo.net

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