الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

Antibiotic reduces AIDS deaths by half

New research shows that giving African children infected by "HEV" that causes AIDS cheap antibiotic may reduce the death rate by almost half between them.

Has been the cessation of tests that were carried out by the Medical Research Council in Zambia, when it became clear the effectiveness of daily treatment Balamadad "co-trimoxazole."

The WHO and UNICEF to amend the International Nsaúhama building on the results of the study, published in a publication, "The Lancet" medical.

The study was conducted on 541 children have symptoms of infection with HEV between the ages of one year and 14 years in Zambia, where the spread of disease resistance to antibiotics as usual.

However, it was found that children who received daily doses of anti-"a readily" they were better off healthy than those who received placebo and as a counterattack.

After about 19 ​​months, a quarter of children who died were taking "a readily" compared with more than 40% of children who received placebo.

It is noteworthy that about 1300 children die every day as a result of the virus, "HEV" and AIDS-related illnesses around the world.

Source: roro 44 and e-mail address is http://healths.roro44.com
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