Moderation safety of Berlin, Elaph: enable doctors in the hospital Charité in Berlin to develop a blood test can be expected for the first time to predict persons at high risk of heart attack. This examination, which shall be to those who complain of chest pain will help to determine the status of these patients carefully at whether they were in real danger of a heart attack advanced level in six months, or that their lighter weight and lack of experience only. Scientists are very optimistic and say that this new test will enable them to help surveys other on the expectation of occurrence of imminent heart attack accurately up to 85 percent, which could not be achieved by now, At present doctors use ECG to investigate the presence of damage to a heart attack in people who were thought to be a heart a heart attack, and there are several blood tests but not one of them is fit to be a factor Menbia reliable.
The new test measures the level of an enzyme called Mailubaroxidaz. The form of this enzyme is carpeted arteries when fatty deposits are likely to rupture, resulting in a wandering clot in the body to turn up to the heart. This test was conducted at the Berlin hospital on more than 600 patients admitted for treatment because of complaints of chest pain.
Researchers have found that patients with higher levels of this enzyme are at high risk for a heart more than four times in two months than others. When compiling the results of this test with the results of selection of commonly used troponin, which measures the levels of different components of blood, doctors will be able to expect 85 percent of those who are in grave danger. Commented Brent Hubert cardiologist in Berlin on the test by saying that the blood test This is the first simple test allows us to define the patient next to the hospital because of pain in the chest, whether in the early stages of a heart attack or is in danger of exposure to them over a period ranging between the 30 to 60 days.
According to him also the biggest problem was to find tests accurate enough to predict whether the chest pain will lead to a heart attack or not fully defined. In many cases, rest assured the doctor to the patient after conducting several tests and analyzes laboratory key, then surprised a week later that the patient has dropped dead suddenly, and reached the doctors then to believe that they are still losing episode, but the new test is now considered an easy and inexpensive , and this is why Bkipriat pharmaceutical companies to express interest in its development.
Has long served the human heart with all its symbolism since ancient times, he is the symbol of love and also a center for various ailments that beset us suddenly, Vtnqlna from the world of life to the realms of death. Have become more frequent recently, heart disease and the pain of angina chest to the heart attack to stroke with the emergence of risk factors that did the trick for us in front, such as race, age, genetics and other risk factors updated as smoking and fats in the blood, diabetes and obesity, all of these things are talked about Dr. Zeidan generosity in his heart health
Dr. Karam that angina is like a clarion danger that predict injury coronary artery disease, and often show features the injured coronary artery or more Btadhaq very important, when the artery patients shrinking to a level 70%, often continue the flow of blood in it in sufficient quantities to long as the person is comfortable and his heart beating normally, recording between 70 and 80 beats per minute either when making an effort sharply (run or a game in tennis), the amount of blood that feed the myocardium becomes then not enough that it can not increase due to narrowing of the artery, which lead to the suffocation cells (lack of blood oxygen carrier) and thus to the emergence of pain in the chest, and what draws attention is that this pain soon disappears when you stop Vtaatdhael effort is thus a need to myocardial oxygen before this pathological symptoms.
Cardiac arrest
Three centuries ago and the interest of specialists focused on this issue, which form a unity is indivisible, comes the sudden death of a sudden and in a brief that is, they are immediate or that they occur within a few minutes, affecting this type of death, nearly 300 thousand people in the United States, and 30 to 50 thousand people in France, nor have we in Lebanon, official figures on the subject, but we can see in comparison with the average in the United States and France, where the number exceeds 2000 cases per year, and sudden death in our country.
Risk factors
If the main reason that lies behind the injuries the coronary arteries remains to this day a matter of controversy and the attraction of views, but efforts are continuing in order to investigate the risk factors and monitored closely through lifestyle living, as well as we have seen recently, scientific studies and statistical and wide scale aspire to the same direction.
If what we raised, for example, the issue of motorists, to show us that the percentage of injuries, dangerous or even fatal traffic accidents rise with deterioration of the car mechanic and excessive speed and lack of commitment to connecting a seat belt while driving, and to publicly face the same problem in coronary artery disease that afflicts individuals addicted to smoking or suffering from high cholesterol or diabetes or high blood pressure or obesity or lack of movement: These data are in fact risk factors.
While the resulting combination of these factors to the worsening health status, but both of them is embodied in a different way depending on the circumstances accompanying it, and so result in an inheritance, for example a prominent role in this context, it is no doubt that everyone could go to the citation so Alakol - smoker - tense the decades Nevertheless, eighty years old or so Alguenua Pacific athlete who suffered a heart attack and he did not exceed the fourth decade of life.
In fact we should distinguish between two types of risk factors
* Factors that medicine remains helpless about it, any sex, age and genetics.
* Factors that can actually meet them, no smoking rate and the disruption of fats in the blood and the problem of high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, stress and the high rate of uric acid in the blood, and lack of exercise and finally take oral contraceptives in women.
We can also classify these factors as physiological (age, sex, genetics) or satisfactory (high blood pressure, impaired rate of fats, diabetes mellitus) or unusual any linked pattern of daily life (smoking, eating foods rich in saturated fat, lack of movement).
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health
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