الثلاثاء، 10 يوليو 2012

A drug resistant strain of avian influenza

صورة طيور مصابة بالانفلونزا
 Swiss company announced reaching for the production of a new drug called "Tamiflu" which is an anti-bird flu that the drug effectively to counter this deadly disease, if used early enough.

The company "Roche Holding": The tests on animals have shown that it can "Tamiflu" resisting the current strain of the disease, following the publication of a study in the journal "The Lancet" medical, saying that drugs such as "Tamiflu" should be used only in the case of serious epidemics .

The company said in a statement: "The results indicate the ability of" Tamiflu "to prevent the deaths of animals affected by the strain injury" HP 5 1 "the deadly disease."

The company added: "There is a need for further studies to determine the optimal dose of the drug; that are dealt with after the infection," HP 5 to 1 fatal. "

The study evaluates the effectiveness of the drug "Tamiflu"; that was given to rodents, after four hours of the injury current strain of the disease.
  Source: roro 44 and e-mail address is http://healths.roro44.com

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