Researchers at the University of Groningen Royal Dutch to prozac drug used to treat depression may delay the onset of symptoms of MS.
The researchers conducted their study on a group of multiple sclerosis patients, half of them were subjected to a drug, Prozac, while the other half was given placebo has no effect, without informing them.
The study - published in the British Medical Journal and reported in the Dutch media recently - a survey of the brain every four weeks for the elements of the study, to identify the incidence of infections they have, what is one of indicators of disease progression.
After eight weeks showed that patients who took placebo had developed infections than those who attain drug Prozac.
At the end of the study, which lasted 24 weeks there have been no new infections
Two-thirds of those who ate drug Prozac, compared with 25% of those who took placebo.
It is noteworthy that more than one million people suffer from MS worldwide, developed a disease that affects the central nervous system and lead to the deterioration of the patient's condition gradually and consistently.
Different symptoms of the disease from infected to time in accordance with part of the injured central nervous system.
Source: doctor dot com
study said that eating a sufficient amount of protein necessary to
build the muscles of older women, which are less responsive to the diet
of the muscles of men the same age.
The study, conducted by the British and U.S. researchers, 29 people between the ages of 65 and 80 years.
researchers found they are from the Faculty of Medicine at Washington
University in St. Louis that the construction of muscle protein in men
has increased, on average, after eating a meal and liquid but not get
the same result for women.
is known that age-related decline in muscle could contribute to the
fragility of the disease, disability, and where women are at greater
risk; because they have less muscle.
The results indicate the new "mechanism differences" between men and women with regard to decline in the muscles.
also points to the need for the research team that deals with older
women in particular, enough protein foods such as eggs, fish and meat
free of fat.
the rate of muscle building protein for women, on average, no more food
in response to the liquid, some women have shown a small increase.
to the research group that included a meal experiences relatively small
amount of protein that may not be enough to promote the building of
protein in the muscle in some women.
said that some research suggests that exercise may enhance the response
of the muscles of the food, but it is unclear whether the combination
of additional protein and regular exercise can help older women to
continue to build muscle.
Source: doctor dot com
safety of Berlin, Elaph: enable doctors in the hospital Charité in
Berlin to develop a blood test can be expected for the first time to
predict persons at high risk of heart attack. This
examination, which shall be to those who complain of chest pain will
help to determine the status of these patients carefully at whether they
were in real danger of a heart attack advanced level in six months, or
that their lighter weight and lack of experience only. Scientists
are very optimistic and say that this new test will enable them to help
surveys other on the expectation of occurrence of imminent heart attack
accurately up to 85 percent, which could not be achieved by now, At
present doctors use ECG to investigate the presence of damage to a heart
attack in people who were
thought to be a heart a heart attack, and there are several blood tests
but not one of them is fit to be a factor Menbia reliable.
The new test measures the level of an enzyme called Mailubaroxidaz. The
form of this enzyme is carpeted arteries when fatty deposits are likely
to rupture, resulting in a wandering clot in the body to turn up to the
heart. This
test was conducted at the Berlin hospital on more than 600 patients
admitted for treatment because of complaints of chest pain.
have found that patients with higher levels of this enzyme are at high
risk for a heart more than four times in two months than others. When
compiling the results of this test with the results of selection of
commonly used troponin, which measures the levels of different
components of blood, doctors will be able to expect 85 percent of those
who are in grave danger. Commented
Brent Hubert cardiologist in Berlin on the test by saying that the
blood test This is the first simple test allows us to define the patient
next to the hospital because of pain in the chest, whether in the early
stages of a heart attack or is in danger of exposure to them over a
period ranging between the 30 to 60 days.
to him also the biggest problem was to find tests accurate enough to
predict whether the chest pain will lead to a heart attack or not fully
defined. In
many cases, rest assured the doctor to the patient after conducting
several tests and analyzes laboratory key, then surprised a week later
that the patient has dropped dead suddenly, and reached the doctors then
to believe that they are still losing episode, but the new test is now
considered an easy and inexpensive , and this is why Bkipriat pharmaceutical companies to express interest in its development.
long served the human heart with all its symbolism since ancient times,
he is the symbol of love and also a center for various ailments that
beset us suddenly, Vtnqlna from the world of life to the realms of
death. Have
become more frequent recently, heart disease and the pain of angina
chest to the heart attack to stroke with the emergence of risk factors
that did the trick for us in front, such as race, age, genetics and
other risk factors updated as smoking and fats in the blood, diabetes
and obesity, all of these things are talked about Dr. Zeidan generosity
in his heart health
Karam that angina is like a clarion danger that predict injury coronary
artery disease, and often show features the injured coronary artery or
more Btadhaq very important, when the artery patients shrinking to a
level 70%, often continue the flow of blood in it in sufficient
quantities to long
as the person is comfortable and his heart beating normally, recording
between 70 and 80 beats per minute either when making an effort sharply
(run or a game in tennis), the amount of blood that feed the myocardium
becomes then not enough that it can not increase due to narrowing of the
artery, which lead
to the suffocation cells (lack of blood oxygen carrier) and thus to the
emergence of pain in the chest, and what draws attention is that this
pain soon disappears when you stop Vtaatdhael effort is thus a need to
myocardial oxygen before this pathological symptoms.
Cardiac arrest
centuries ago and the interest of specialists focused on this issue,
which form a unity is indivisible, comes the sudden death of a sudden
and in a brief that is, they are immediate or that they occur within a
few minutes, affecting this type of death, nearly 300 thousand people in
the United States, and
30 to 50 thousand people in France, nor have we in Lebanon, official
figures on the subject, but we can see in comparison with the average in
the United States and France, where the number exceeds 2000 cases per
year, and sudden death in our country.
Risk factors
the main reason that lies behind the injuries the coronary arteries
remains to this day a matter of controversy and the attraction of views,
but efforts are continuing in order to investigate the risk factors and
monitored closely through lifestyle living, as well as we have seen
recently, scientific studies and statistical and wide scale aspire to the same direction.
what we raised, for example, the issue of motorists, to show us that
the percentage of injuries, dangerous or even fatal traffic accidents
rise with deterioration of the car mechanic and excessive speed and lack
of commitment to connecting a seat belt while driving, and to publicly
face the same problem in coronary artery disease that afflicts individuals
addicted to smoking or suffering from high cholesterol or diabetes or
high blood pressure or obesity or lack of movement: These data are in
fact risk factors.
the resulting combination of these factors to the worsening health
status, but both of them is embodied in a different way depending on the
circumstances accompanying it, and so result in an inheritance, for
example a prominent role in this context, it is no doubt that everyone
could go to the citation so Alakol - smoker - tense the decades Nevertheless,
eighty years old or so Alguenua Pacific athlete who suffered a heart
attack and he did not exceed the fourth decade of life.
In fact we should distinguish between two types of risk factors
* Factors that medicine remains helpless about it, any sex, age and genetics.
Factors that can actually meet them, no smoking rate and the disruption
of fats in the blood and the problem of high blood pressure, diabetes,
obesity, stress and the high rate of uric acid in the blood, and lack of
exercise and finally take oral contraceptives in women.
can also classify these factors as physiological (age, sex, genetics)
or satisfactory (high blood pressure, impaired rate of fats, diabetes
mellitus) or unusual any linked pattern of daily life (smoking, eating
foods rich in saturated fat, lack of movement).
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health
noticed that patients who are committed to diet to reduce system weight
fear the month of Ramadan in the knowledge that the diet will not be as
effective and that the weight will increase during the holy month. Paradox
may seem strange, although fasting for a whole month, which is supposed
to decrease the weights Ozanna increase during the month of Ramadan! And this phenomenon may seem somewhat strange to those who did not live in our society. But he who lives in the community has, without doubt, some interpretations. Have
demonstrated this phenomenon on several research samples of fasting was
shown to increase weight when a sample of young people are fasting
during Ramadan, and demonstrated by researchers from the city of Jeddah
similar results in previous research. We attribute this phenomenon for several reasons, most important of which increase the caloric intake during Ramadan. In
the month of fasting, preferably fatty food community and desserts for
some reason is not clear because the increase in eating this kind of
food at night (the time which did not invoke the stomach to eat it)
cause digestive disorders and may lead to ensure a second reason for
weight gain. Research has shown that the acute shortage of sleep affects the metabolism in the body and cause weight gain. Finally,
we found in previous research that exercising less sharply in Ramadan,
and people tend to idle, laziness, and this is another reason for weight
gain. I hope this year to get rid of the wrong habits and make the holy month season to maintain health and all Happy New Year
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health
is a disease that baffled researchers, but their knowledge of it are
constantly evolving, which appeared more effective medicines and
improved detection techniques with him much, and find doctors to new
methods in surgery, and open the door of hope in the research on the
relationship of this disease is hereditary. Flashes on epilepsy
is a health problem is manifested by nervous crises and epileptic
seizures caused by spontaneous discharge of neurons that are excessive
in the case of irritation can be likened to a storm, electric, and
results from these movements and the state of Nubia beyond the control
of the patient.
is a health problem is manifested by nervous crises and epileptic
seizures caused by spontaneous discharge of neurons that are excessive
in the case of irritation can be likened to a storm, electric, and
results from these movements and the state of Nubia beyond the control
of the patient.
could continue to be the disease for months or remain for life, with a
break for ten years on average, and recover 50% of children infected
with the disease when they reach adolescence, while having the rest of
the inherent drugs are often effective and enable them to normal life.
disease does not detract from the age of intelligence and not destroy
the brain, contrary to what can that comes to mind especially when we
note the patient's condition during a seizure, for example, when
involuntarily fall on his head or shaking when the vibration. And
produces epilepsy in 5 to 10 percent of the cases as a result genetic
factors and in 40 percent of cases result imbalance in the brain
(malformation or trauma to the skull or swelling ...), and active crises
epileptic help of factors Kaltab, alcohol, and remains the source of
this disease is not known when half of the cases affected. The
situation in which the patient's epilepsy had him not to do certain
tasks or make certain professions Xyakh truck or public transport
vehicles or work in a place high above the ground or affectation
machines serious, and the remaining validity of the doctor concerned and
doctors work to determine the possibility of the patient something .
Types of epilepsy and its symptoms:There are two types of this disease: epilepsy year (30% of cases) and partial epilepsy (70% of cases).Vaba
partially reflected in the specific area of the brain and the
symptoms vary according to the affected area and sometimes it is
difficult to know the epileptic seizure, epileptic seizures and be
partial simple or complex depending on the patient if they maintained
contact with his surroundings or not. It
can sometimes be transformed into a seizure begins, where the general
electrical storm in a particular area of the brain to spread
thereafter in the rest of the brain, with the following inventory of
some of the symptoms by type of epilepsy:
Symptoms of simple partial seizure:Patient to maintain contact with realitySuffers from various problems (difficulty speaking properly, spasms and tremors members, warp audio and video ...)Problems in the senses (smell and taste different ...)Problems in the stomachEventhough a sense of fear andOne of the Nuba seconds to three minutes
Complex partial seizure symptoms:Circumstantial loss of touch with realityAutomatic and automatic patient, for example, where the movements of non-target and mumbled, showing movements of chewingDoes not retain any memory of the injured heartOne of the Nuba seconds to three minutes
General Symptoms of a heart:Loss of consciousness and fallingMuscle stiffness inRhythmic spasm and convulsionThe large number of salivary secretionsComa and muscle relaxation may occur with urination or exit of stoolThere is often vomitingConfusion when awakeningDoes not retain any memory of the injured heartNubia for 3 or 4 minutes but can sometimes wait 20 minutes before returning to the original state
The development of scientific research in the detection of the disease and followed by:Focuses
on the diagnosis of the doctor described the condition of the patient
during the crisis, epilepsy, or the results of the electrical activity
of the brain. Professor
Michael Pollack, brain and nerve specialist and head of the Paris
hospital: can magnetic resonance imaging to understand the cause of the
disease because it reveals parts of the brain affected. The
antiepileptic drugs do not affect the same way, he must try several
medications before reaching the appropriate medication, and sometimes
the patient must take two or three drugs, at the same time.
recent years appeared new drugs made it possible to improve the lives
of patients and can stop taking them after a few years, but 30 per cent
of the disease of epilepsy is still resistant to these drugs, and if the
affected area in the brain accessible it can be a surgical
intervention, in particular, and that progress in medical imaging enabled identification of foci responsible for this disease. In
the past, taking pictures of the brain at a given moment but today,
thanks to functional magnetic resonance imaging enables experts from
imaging brain activity during epileptic crises or get accepted. If
this did not work the way it can enter electrodes are very small in the
deep areas of the brain, guided by expert special machine in the
direction of pre-defined places where there are still a few days to
record seizures. Thanks
to these techniques become more precise surgical procedures because it
was able to avoid harm brain areas for speech and sound and sight to
remember ...
researchers are currently studying the molecules that can affect the
brain to prevent epilepsy in people qualified injury by the disease,
such as those with a genetic predisposition or infected tumors or Severe
Mental skull, so that interfere with these molecules to resist
generation Neuromodulation is natural and electrical charges that result
in get to the heart.
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health
teen years are prime time for the appearance of acne, but even women in
their thirties and forties and then also may suffer from spots. The
only difference is that acne in adolescence caused by the main
hereditary, but for adult women was due to the swing levels of hormones.
women who never women without acne in adolescence and they may suddenly
develop an in Snoathen later, both with the menstrual cycle or with
Acne treatment has become very sophisticated in the past few decades. You
can not prevent the bar from appearing blister, but with the use of a
mixture of medications and home remedies, it is usually easy to keep
acne under control.
Immediate reliefHome treatment for acne: -
- Use a benzoyl peroxide benzoyl peroxide:Is a topical antiseptic, kills bacteria that cause the symptoms of inflammation and swelling and irritation caused by acne. It
is available as a treatment prescription without the doctor is paid in
the form of a cream or gel or lotion, benzoyl peroxide may be (such as
product Clearasil) is everything you need to treat only.After washing your face Put a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide to the affected areas. And personal and different doses of synthetic dye of the product, so you should follow the advice of a doctor.
you should use benzoyl peroxide once a day first, and when your skin
get used to it, increased the dose gradually to six or eight times a day
or as you need during an outbreak situation.
- Try salicylic acid, salicylic acid:Is
the treatment of last paid without prescription the doctor, and
salicylic acid (which is similar to the active ingredient in aspirin),
reduce inflammation, and to loose links between the dead cells, thus
making it fall easily.Clean
your skin completely, then put a thin layer of salicylic acid (such as
Neutrogena clearpore wash or Acnisal) blisters on the areas of acne. This medicine may cause dry skin. Dose varies between individuals and products, so it's best to follow your doctor's instructions. In
most cases, you may begin development of treatment once daily dose is
then gradually increased to three times a day if necessary.
Alternative treatment for acne (alternative medicine)- Put the clay paste:Clay has been used for centuries for deep cleaning for oily skin and remove pollutants from the skin. To
prepare for the defects of the skin poultice, mix half a teaspoon of
cosmetic clay (available in health food stores, and on some tables,
cosmetics, and on the Internet) with half a teaspoon of water. You may need to prepare larger quantities of the mixture if the affected area or want to use a large mask of the face.Mix well, then put a thin layer of clay mixture on the face full of deep cleaning, or at Aellata skin, and leave to dry clay. If the area Tadjinha small, you can leave Allboukh for several hours or overnight, then Tgsleyha after that. And you need face masks, which include the entire face to face wash not fully immediately after drying clay. Repeat use Allboukh if necessary daily. But you must use the clay mask once a week just to avoid excessive dehydration of the skin.
- Use lavender oil aromatic:Makes
it less painful blisters, and where it has the properties of
anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory, it helps to get rid of them as
well. Put one or two drops of lavender oil on the warts as needed.
Medical treatment and medical options:- Ask your dermatologist or your doctor for facial peeling:Your
doctor may recommend treating acne using high concentrations of
salicylic acid from 20 to 30 per cent, instead of focusing its use is
weak and is used in home remedies.
- Try Tretinoin Retin-A:Recipe available by medical doctor, a derivative of vitamin A. And reduces the production of the skin of fat, and thus removes the "fuel" that supports the occurrence of acne. Tretinoin
is used (Retina) once per day, to help get rid of pimples that already
exist, and may help prevent the formation of more.
- Ask for Oasutritinoan Isotretinoin:Aasutritinoan
is among the most powerful acne treatments, and is used only in cases
of inflammatory acne strongly and when to respond to appropriate
treatment simpler and safer. Aloasutritinoan very effective, but it may cause side effects such as itching, headaches, or sensitivity to light or hair loss.Of
the most serious side effects that are likely to occur is the high
level of fat in blood, and liver enzyme abnormalities, and inflammatory
bowel disease, and deterioration of the hearing. Of the most serious possible side effects is that it may cause birth defects if used during pregnancy. Your doctor will prescribe this drug when not fully make sure you are not pregnant during use.
Treatment of acne in the long run Alaklahalgesdah methods:Make tension under controlThe
tension or stress does not cause acne, but outbreaks may occur for
spots and pimples in some women by changing hormone levels and increased
secretion of the sebaceous glands.If
you notice that your skin has become worse during times of
psychological difficulties, Vaattabra this a sign that this is a time to
relax and Treat things are simpler. Try
to keep calm through the exercise of more sports, and work for less
time, and practice relaxation techniques such as meditation and deep
breathing or yoga, and try to avoid situations that cause you stress.
When you go to the doctor?-
If the owner of the appearance of acne irregularity in the menstrual
cycle, or thinning of the hair, or an increase in weight or appearance
of hair on the face. You may need to work for blood tests to detect an increase in male hormones that can cause acne outbreaks.-
If it appears Kintuouat acne on the face, especially on the middle of
the face (forehead, nose, cheeks and chin), and redness of the face and
you could also Thtka you notice the blood vessels, including
thread-like, through the skin. You may have a condition known as "pink" Rosacea, sometimes called "adult acne". Treatment of a case may require the use of antibiotics pink or other drugs.-
If acne does not improve by using home remedies, your doctor may advise
you to take drugs, including birth control pills, and antibiotics by
mouth, and other drugs to Tgali the situation under control.- Acne and pimples, causes symptoms and treatment- Treatment of Acne (methods and recipes and blends are safe)- Beliefs and misconceptions about acne
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health
cough (cough) of the most important symptoms that may resort because of
the patient to the doctor - and its importance as may be a symptom Mini
associated with a cold may be an indication of several diseases in the
respiratory tract or other organs, and therefore we would like to review
some important questions about the cough.
When should I review my doctor if a cough?
Cough is usually divided into two parts:
I: Is the cough a short-term (3 weeks or less) and this cough is
usually associated with cold or Alnclh or inflammation that affects the
mucous membranes in the throat and vocal cords and usually disappear
cough gradually with therapy or without him and do not need to see a
doctor . There are other diseases of the widest cough such as pneumonia Pneumonia.
II: When is a cough continues for a period of two weeks or more or a
cough associated with sputum or blood, then you should consult a doctor
because it may be due to a serious disease such as Tuberculosis
Tuberculosis or lung cancer.
What are the main causes of cough long term?
Have many reasons including:
and allergies: and this problem may appear only in the form of cough
without other symptoms such as wheezing, known or difficulty in
breathing, which occur due to asthma.
other reasons (post nasal drip) or what is known as the problem of the
flow of nasal secretions to hand back the pharynx, larynx, this problem
results from inflammation of the sinuses or chronic allergies in the
Recovery of digestive juices from the stomach into the esophagus (Gastroesophageal reflux). This problem may cause cough and in the presence of a nervous connection between the esophagus and bronchi. This problem affects people who have a relaxation of the valve located between the esophagus and stomach.
associated with smoking (Bronchitis) and this problem be chronic
smokers can not be disposed of only to leave smoking.
Can be determined by each reason separately through other symptoms that usually accompany the cough.
Can some medications cause coughing?
there are some medicines that may cause coughing and some of the most
important pressure medication and usually this type of cough does not
hide except when to refrain from taking this type of medication at all.
What is the best medicine for cough?
in the treatment of cough should not focus on giving the drug the abode
of the cough only, but the treatment causes coughing For example, cough
associated with common cold should be given an anti-congestion and
points of the nose and these medicines relieve cough associated with
cold the cough associated with asthma must tackle the problem of asthma
Vbaalajha disappear cough completely.
You could take the popular drugs for the treatment of cough?
folk remedies to ease the customary cough is honey, warm milk, ginger
and preferably warm fluids and stay away from citrus fruits. And also drenched licorice, chamomile and soaked, and boiled guava paper.
What are the main tests that usually take place for the patient who complains of chronic cough?
most important is the chest x-ray examinations + examine the functions
of breathing, which should work for everyone complain of chronic cough
to determine the efficiency of the lung and determine if there was
shortness of the airways or not. If
these tests can be normal to give a particular drug by general
diagnosis of the situation based on all the symptoms suffered by the
Source: Encyclopedia of modern health